Thursday, November 26, 2009


PAPADOM...Its a film by one of Malaysian Top Director and Comedian, Afdlin Shauki. This movie have been released few months back but i havent got the chance to watch it until now.

Before i even watch the movie, i took the liberty to read about the synopsis to get the rough idea about the movie. At first impression, i would say "Yes, this is another one of Afdlin Shauki comedy movie. Its going to be the same". Ye lah to compare previous Afdlin Shauki movies, if you carefully observe have the same material. There are some that outstand from anyone else such as SUMOlah..Thats a good movie..But for PAPADOm..Its totally different!!!

PAPADOM is a movie about an overprotective father that really "be" there for his daughter. I mean literally "be" there. He will follow wherever the daughter goes. It started when his wife died and he blamed himself for not being there for the wife. The story come to and excitement when the daughter graduated SPM with 20As(quite impressive...hehe) and then decided to continue to UiTM Shah Alam to study film. The daughter make the father promise not to follow her at the university but the father find another way to keep track of his daughter by being the university gardener. Everything going quite well as the father saw his daughter live her own life in the university. A lot of things happen but thats for you to see for yourself lah... After that, due to some evil planning by the head of cheerleader, the father bump into the daughter and the daughter fainted. The father took his daughter to his gardeners home and then discovered by the students, lecturers, and security guard. They taught that the gardener is trying to have sex with the girl and didnt know that he is actually his father. Then after that the daughter explain herself to the lecturer and she bailed the girls father out of jail. On the presentation day of the short film project, the daughter make a movie about her father thats named PAPADOM...

Maybe i didnt explain the story well but you have to watch it to feel it. Its hard to say this but i really shed into tears at some parts of the movie. Seeing the father is like that, i myself rethink about the future if when i had a daughter afterwards...If i were to rate this movie i would give it a 9/10...If you havent watch it, go and watch now lah...I'm gonna have some Nasi Kandar...=D

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