Monday, November 23, 2009

FADZLY RAZMAN sessioning for FREKUENSI URBAN, RTM Muzik Aktif Ch180

Last month Fadzly Razman have been invited to sessioned for a musical program named Frekuensi Urban made by KRU Production for RTM Muzik Aktif Ch180. The sessionist line ups included Johar Lucas(Drums) Feeras Roslan(Bass) Said(Keyboards) and The DeeJay. Among the artist we session with are Atilia , Noryn Aziz, Emergency, Sasi The Don, Danniel OIAM, One Nation Emcee, Adam AF,  Prema Yin, Ruffedge and Athena Beh. Other bands are also performing at this show such as BAU, BunkFace, and theres one other bands that i cant remember their names...But the vocalist is a cute girl lah..hehehe...Performing for at least 3 songs for each artist is a challenge that i have to go through. The best performance is with Emergency, Sasi The Don and One Nation Emcee as there are a lot of energy on stage. Performing wth the like of Noryn Aziz, Atilia and Ruffedge also have given me a lot of experience. Dont forget to tune in to RTM Muzik Aktif Next Year 2010 to get a preview of the best music talk show ever...

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