Monday, November 23, 2009

Music And Religion...

Is there any barriers between music and religion?
Hmmm...I dont think so.
Although music is a form of entertainment, its also a form of mediator between religion and followers. Aint i'm right?
For example ;
1. Muslims do sings Nasyid to educate people about Islam. They also uses Hip-Hop, Pop, and Rock in a different way of preaching.
2. Christian have church choir, Gospel music. They sing about faith and others as their way of preaching.
3. Hindus have their own kind of music(i'm sorry as i dont exactly know whats their names) that talk about their god and Hindu stuff.
...i could go on and talk about other religion but i think all of you are brilliant enough to get what i'm trying to actually say..

So actually in a way, music connect us. Music is something we have in common despite our different believe. Its a way people can connect with each other.
As long as we respect each others faith and believe, and we dont make mockery out someone religion, i think the world are going to be just fine.

The fact that theres a few irresponsible, inconsiderate, and immoral people that dont really care about other people except for themselves is making the simple thing that we call "union" seems like impossible.

Theres also another group of people that dont really respect others believe and  trying to preach them about something that they dont believe. Thats for me is immoral, because you are actually saying that what they believe in is false. How would you feel if someone tell that to you? Yeah...Not really a good feeling ayte..hehe..

So the point i'm trying to say here is, Believe in Whatever you want to believe BUT respect otheres who dont belive the same thing as you do AND try to see beyond your believe, inside yourself, that we are actually the same structure that god put in this wealthy earth AND do also unite with the power of Music....

For pEace ANd Love,
Music Against Discrimination!!!

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