Monday, November 23, 2009


(September 11, 2009) I can’t help it but to read about an interesting news in most of the newspaper these past few days. It’s about furious Indonesians that claimed that Malaysia has stolen their cultural dance? Sounds weird isn’t it? How can a country with the same geographic and ethnic similarities steal each other culture? Maybe you have read enough in the newspaper, Internets, or in blogs. But if you wanted to know about a young man point of view, please continue reading this.

***THE NEWS***
Last few days since I wrote this article, Malaysians all over the world, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia had been shocked by the news that Indonesia are preparing to go to war with Malaysia? I was mesmerized at first sight. I’ve been thinking, what could Malaysians done to burn the anger of these Indonesians? At first I thought that it is because the minimal wages rates for the Indonesians maids in Malaysia but as I read further it is actually not about that.
Some Indonesians are claiming that Malaysia has stolen their cultural dance that’s called Baliness Pendet Dance. This enrage occur when a Discovery Channel episode that is Enigmatic Malaysia used the dance in the promotion. Yes, the promotion of Malaysia used the Baliness Pendet Dance in it, but it is not produces by the Malaysia government or Malaysian Tourism Board. It is produced by Discovery Channel. And for the record, Discovery Channel has apologized to the Indonesian Government for the mistake. So is it rational and right to be mad at a brothers country when there’s nothing wrong done?

I have to accept the Malaysian Government ignorance to filter the content of the promotion. We supposed to filter anything that’s published bringing Malaysia name that can spark controversy between neighboring countries. That is our fault and we admit it. But it is no reason whatsoever to act like a stone man. Blackmailing and threaten Malaysians while they are not responsible for the event occur. Malaysians student in Indonesia is the group of Malaysians that had been affected so much by this event. Students supposed to be wise about these things. They should know that Malaysia and Indonesia share the same culture as The Sultan-ship in Tanah Melayu begins from Parameswara that is the prince of Java King. So, in an easy explanation, Indonesians and Malaysians are brothers started long since the opening of Bandar Melaka.
So, one can’t claimed that the dance, the culture is theirs as we are actually one (Satu Rumpun). And to be more accurate and precise, our culture and even language is mostly taken from India(Hindu), China, Arabs(Islam) and Portuguese. What we have is actually a shared culture.

I really don’t understand this. Whenever two country or two political parties have some controversy and misunderstanding, they’ll always burn the flag. Can any body tell me why? Doesn’t anyone teach any of them manners and respect?
In Yogyakarta University, educated Indonesians burn Malaysian flag to show their anger towards Malaysians. Some hackers hacked into Malaysian website and accusing Malaysia of stealing and everything else on the Merdeka day. If anyone haven’t been taught about respect, it’s them. I can understand if you are a bit angered by the fact that your cultural heritage has been misused and misunderstand to be others. But in a sense that Malaysia and Indonesia have long been helping each other and have international political stability, please don’t ruined it. A flag is a nation symbol and what they believe in. If you burn another country’s flag, you are disrespecting what they believe. Try and imagine it’s your Holy Book or your country flags being burned. Will you be furious?

This is an interesting article in The Star;Thursday;10 September 2009: Page W48. It is an article from the Asia News Network and Jakarta Post.

I personally hope that whatever it is they’re fighting for can be resolved in a good way with no bloodbath or war involved. Its sad to see our brothers and sisters from the same great ancestors are fighting over some ridiculous matter that can be resolved without any controversy. Be rational and please don’t behave like a man from the ice ages. Barbarians with no brains. We have more similarities than we ever wanted to. This is our genes and this is our culture. Friendship, and the Polite Asian. This is who we are. Don’t get influence by all the violence in TV. Those are bullshit! Please, if you are reading this…Help by tagging this notes around. 1Malaysia 1Rumpun 1Suara.

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