Sunday, November 22, 2009


It is a talent to be hardwork and it needs hardwork to become talented. This is a philosophy that i hold and i tell anyone who has given up because he is un-talented or never work because he think he is talented. Talent. Some says that it is a gift from god from the beginning of our life. Some says that it is one thing that you have that not everyone have it. Yes, all what they say is right. But for me it have a different perspective overall. People who only have talent but dont work hard will only waste their talent. Really! Have you ever meet a friend that you know is talented but never get anywhere with his/her talent? I have one. A friend of mine is a born sportsman. He have an athletics body and he is so easy to pick up any sports technique. But one thing he lack is hardwork. He never trains and never ever workout. No hardwork. So where he is at now? No where. This can show how important is hardwork although you have talent you need to work it out. So how about un-talented person? For me there is no such thing. God is a very fair. Every human being have their own talent. It is just wether they know it or dont. That is why i'm saying talent = hardwork and hardwork = talent...Think about it...

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