Sunday, November 22, 2009

OPENING 10% UiTM QUOTA TO NON-BUMIS(between politics and dignity) : November 15, 2008

Theres so much fuzz among Malays when Dato Khalid Ibrahim (new Selangor MB from PKR) make a statement that he is going to opened up 10% quota for non-bumis to come in. Most of the feedback are negative. They are saying that Dato Khalid is totally wrong and outrages to make a statement like that, that can spark racial problems. Some even called him the Malay Traitor! That is to much i think. The statement that is made after the pRU2008 is bound to spark controversy and for UMNO and BARISAN NASIONAL leaders who just lost the state of Selangor(One of Malaysia's most stable and developed state) this is the right thing for him to do. Political advantages will be gain by the government and they can build in the hatred for Dato Khalid and PKR among the Malays.

If we look back in to history. Theres an awefull event called the Black 13, 13th May 1969. That is when There is a big fight between the Malays and the Chinese. Hundreds were killed and millions was affected by this event. This is the reasons given by the government to shut Dato Khalids mouth. If you were to reads journals and books from the British Arkib and other author about 13th May, you'll see that theres always a different story to tell. For me , it is like we are being fool by our own country, our own leaders. The history learned in School is FAKE! and it is done in bius to UMNO.

So back to opening the UiTM to non-bumis. I personally think that this isnt a big issue after all. It is just politics and the government is using it to gain symphaty from the Malays, To show that they care about the Bumis and they will fight for the Bumis. It is all that dirty politics after all. I personally supporting the opening of 10% quota to non-bumis. For me there is no reasons for any government or any universities in the world to limit its student to only one specific races. University in general is a place where students come for their higher education and researchers doing their research. Some people i know said, what will happened to our children and grand children if thers no UiTM? How much money must we pay for our child to study at a private college? How is the Malay status and special right? Those are just childish question that is being asked and answered by our childish leaders. Let me answer these questions.

What will happen to our child and grand child later? They will still get to go to university but according to their academic qualification.Not due to the quota of Bumis. This for me will enable future generation to work harder and achieved. Other races can do it although there is no special right. They can succeed and yet the statistics shows that there is more Chinese and Indians rich people rather than the Malays. Dont judge future generationby the way you are right now. You are a sucsidized citizens that is to lazy to work up your ass to have a better life and rather to live in comfort of Special rights. Wake Up! If you are this kind of person, no matter how much UiTM are there, no matter how many special rights are there, you will still be no one. Other races will certainly get advantages over you.

How much money must we have to pay for private college? Hah. This is a lazybump talking. If you are asking this question than you are just so lazy to improved your life and doesnt really care about your child. You are just putting your child future on government subsidies and special rights. Be a gentleman. Dont ask anybody for anything man. Get up and build your life!

Special Rights? This is the most sensitive issue of all.For malays at least. We(malays) have these rights since the independence from 1957. Back then, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan make a decision to make a law governing Malays rights as they are the Bumis(people who live/own the country before modernization). Since then Malays are pampered and bless with all these special rights and laws which enables them to be lazy and right although it is not what supposed to be. If you guys read articles and journals, and do some research, you'll know that actually all these things is a political propaganda that is planned by the British and carried out by the Malaya's leaders. It is actually 'the thing' that make malays weak and dreadful. That is my oppinion. Malays who keep holding to their special rights is thinking that they can be less hardworking than other races and what this lead us? Malays becoming the poorest races in Malaysia. Our own country as we say. I'm saying this regarding to the topic i opened. Opening the 10% quota. I'm not saying that the special rights should be abolished or anything. I actually believe that those things/laws/rights are needed to maintain stability and harmony that we have accomplished for so many years.So, think about it i would say.

In this blog, i would be seen as not being grateful and not being patriotic to this country. But for me, i'm writing this down because i wanted to change the mindset of my race(MALAYS) and all aother races in Malaysia. If we really think about it, people are made by gods with differences for us to accept each other and try to live tigether in peace and harmony. Not fighting all the time and declaring war against each other..That is till now. My battery is runningg low...Keep reading my blog k guys..

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