Monday, August 23, 2010

Fadzly Razman and Friends @ Homegrown

3rd April 2010 is the date for the first ever Fadzly Razman and Friends Series...The first one is at Lepaq Cafe bringing Annaphobia, Poppy, Farah Saad and few more supporting acts. Fadzly Razman and Friends Series basically is Fadzly Razman's Showcase performance which will be performed by Fadzly Razman himself and selected guess and supporting acts. Fadzly Razman will be playing alongside his backup bands who will consist of numerous great musician that are his friends. The first one is a blast, just bringing the acoustic environment to the place.

The 2nd Fadzly Razman and Friends Series is held at Homegrownspace, this time with much more organized and planned events. The first events organized by newly set-uped Fadzly's Cribs Entertainment, this events become one of the best events at Homegrownspace. Supporting acts by Shewolves, Mystery Call, and Poppy. The bands sure rock out the place before the main act take over..I'm accompanied by Nan Antz(Guitar), Azryx Sani(Bass) and Adzeem "Jenk" Ali(Drums).

Me with the host Mashita Yunos and Emma Louise.

Shewolves is the first band for that day. Abunch of girls playing heavy metal..Wahhh...So cute..hehehe...

Mystery Call is a band thats playing was so tight and the sound are very melodic and catchy.

Poppy is one of my personal favourite bands..They're playing really soft acoustic songs that catch the heart...I LOIKE!!! =D

And now its time for the main act, ME accompanied by Nan Anzt, Azryx Sani, and Adzeem Jenk Ali.

I'm with Illya Syahirah where we do a duet entitled "Sin City" music by me and lyrics by both of us..=)

And lastly, the man of Fadzly's Cribs Entertainment : Nan, Joe, Amir, and ME!...

We are planning a bigger and more bad ass events in the near future, so be aware!!!

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