Saturday, May 21, 2011



Based on the article in star online, Sunday May 22nd 2011.

Muhyiddin stated that the government plans to rationalize the fuel subsidy as the price of the commodity is increasing world wide.
Yup.Thats true. The raw oil price is increasing around the world. But why all the complains from the people and the opposition? This is my personal opinion on the matter.
Its not that we don’t actually acknowledge the increasing of the fuel price, and the billions of subsidy given by the government, but the government should consider few factors that made we said and think like that.
Over the years, the oil price have been increasing regularly and have burden us. I still remember when I was still studying, the oil price of normal RON95 hiked to about RM2.50 per liter. For a student who’s studying outside KL from KL, the need arise for the usage of motorized vehicle and the high fuel price is overwhelming for us. Not only for student but for working people also.
So for me its ok for the government to increase the fuel price, but after considering the income per capita. I personally think that there are no balance in all the decision make here. The reason why I said that is because the average salary/wages in Malaysia is still low. Imagine people who are surviving with for example: rm800 per month, how can they afford the hiked in fuel price?
For example, if in the US they are charging 3dollar per liter, but basic working rates for the workers there are like 5 – 7 dollar per hour, while here some companies still offers rm3 to rm5 per hour. Did you get the imbalance here? That’s why I personally advice the government to look at the wages and salary before increasing the price of any commodities. You want to increase the fuel price? Increase the floor wages for the workers. That’s what I think. What do you think?

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